So I made it another year. Hooray!
In every good New Year's blog, I'm going to tell you the Top 10 things that happened this year.
1. I made it to my 1-year work anniversary at Best Buy.
2. I became a runner…ish. I completed three 5ks.
3. I lost a bunch of weight.
4. I lost some important people in my life - both my death and distance.
5. I moved into an apartment alone. The first time I've lived alone in 24 years. It is awesome.
6. I bought a car.
7. I got a nephew.
8. I traveled on both the east and west coasts.
9. I went through my first real breakup.
10. I celebrated my Golden Birthday.
As you can see, not all of them were great. Actually, I would say a fourth of my year was me breaking down, figuring out the next step, and praying that I make it out alive.
And, I did. Hooray!
I'm so thankful for all my friends and family that stuck it out with me.
Here's to a great 2016.
And all the baggage is actually life's equipment. I'm proud of you!