Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Clean Eating

So I'm doing this detox. Let me run through it with you…

Week One Thoughts:
I lost 6lbs and one inch around my waist. That was not the intention, but it just happened. I've also felt lighter. The energy is there. I always can use more sleep, but I feel lighter and better about myself.

So the main thing is cutting out toxic things from your diet. The biggest thing I noticed is I am CONSCIOUSLY grocery shopping and there is hidden sugar in everything!
So I went to buy spaghetti sauce the other day and it's so hard to find a sauce with just tomatoes and spices. It was such a wake up call about how much I'm not noticing.I have a fairly healthy diet, but clearly there's so much more I can do.

Week Two Thoughts:
It was a little harder in week two. There was no significant weight loss. Half a pound.
I still was able to work out like I wanted and loved making dinners that were healthy and filling.
Cravings started to kick back in. Not badly, but with Halloween on the horizon, I wanted chocolate. Which leads to cake, to wine, to just nothing that is good for me.

Week Three Thoughts:
Then came Halloween. Which totally derailed me.
I had some beer. And by some, I mean I got drunk and ate a cookie out of someone's hand.
So willpowerless me was led down a road of "cheating". I had some pizza. And didn't pay attention to portion size. And then I ate the shit out of my protein bars.
Boy did I pay. My insides hated me for a while. I needed to drink my way to feeling better. So I tried. But no one wants water when they have chocolate on the brain. The great thing about slipping is that you can always just chug your way back to where you started.

Week Four Thoughts:
It got pretty hard. I was baking for things and experimenting in the kitchen. I kinda gave up towards the end. I was out and about and wasn't on a set schedule. I was with people who weren't on the detox and that made me slip (not them, per say, but the temptation in general). I realized it's all a mental state for me and by week four, I had slipped out of the "healthy mentality" and into the "I'm being deprived" mentality (which isn't true, I was very nourished, I just was telling myself 'no' and that triggered my brain to think I was being deprived.)

I'm not looking to be skinny, I'm looking to be healthy.
I love doing these detoxes because I remember exactly how to be healthy. I do research, I find new recipes and I put a good base back into my life.
Yeah it's hard and I obviously wanted to give up. But if I just keep my mental state in a "healthy lifestyle" and eat in moderation, I will continue to keep this going!

If you wanna know details, please ask, but I'll just let you know I'm nourishing my body with CLEAN foods and it feels so amazing. There will be opportunities to do these detoxes each month!


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