Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Lessons I've learned.

Sometimes life can suck. Learn, grow, move on...

1. You can't trust everyone. You've heard the phrase, a secret between three people is only a secret if two are dead? Well that's so true. Because no matter how much you trust that person at this point in your life, it may not always be that way. And that person will know your secret. And secrets can get you into trouble. So unless you want everyone to know, keep it to yourself. And if it's really that bad, you probably shouldn't do it in the first place. Because people will find out. And you can't trust everyone.

2. Just because you love someone doesn't mean they have to love you back. And vice versa. This is very important. There are people that I would give my kidney for. People that are dear to me. People that interest me and fascinate me. These people probably mean more to me than I do to them. Which is quite a bummer. Cause I think we'd be great together. Apparently not. But on the other hand, I've probably got people out there that are thinking that about me and I barely smile at them when I walk past. It's a hard fact of life, but when two people are supposed to be in each others' lives, their paths will cross at the right moment.

3. Something that looks too good to be true, probably is. You can win a million dollars, you can get free cake for a year, all your student loan debt can go away!!! Why wouldn't you take that deal? Oh yeah, because then they get your soul. On a smaller note even, if you're looking at something right now that you think would totally improve your life, ask if it would make you happy six months from now. If the answer is yes, do it. But chances are, it's just the next best thing.

4. Something that looks wrong, probably is. Do you ever get that gut feeling? An eery silence in your mind? That you just know something is off? I've gotten that before. Now, it's your chance to go forth and make that silence disappear. You have control to make the wrong, right.

5. Taking someone's opinion as the be all end all answer to YOUR life isn't good. Getting advice from your peers is a good thing. They know you and they can guess what is a right and wrong decision. But, if you're going to ask someone their opinion and then take it without consulting yourself first, you're in for some heartache. Ultimately, you know what's best for you. Asking opinions to get an educated opinion may be great, but your desires outweigh theirs. Listen to your heart.

6. Food can, in fact, be comforting in times of hardship. Blah blah blah diet. Yeah, well guess what diet, I'm gonna be a real grump and less productive and more hostile and definitely physically threatening if I don't get that McDonald's in my stomach. So just shut up and let me eat my feelings. In a week or so, the pain will subside and I'll be back to cabbage soup and salads for lunch.

7. Saying "I wish" doesn't get results. You must write down your goals, make steps to reach them, and then act upon those steps. Unless Robert Williams shows up at your doorstep today, I don't think any wishes are going to be granted without hard work.

I'm going to channel by inner Bob Frost and just remember that life in fact does go on...

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