Monday, October 6, 2014

On my mind.

There's two things that have been on my mind lately.

First, is my social media habits.
I recently deleted my Facebook, Twitter and a little while ago deleted my Snapchat.
Now, I thought I'd be craving it to see what others were doing, but in reality, I don't really care.
People who want to talk to me can text/call me and the ones who don't actually care, shouldn't really miss me.
But, on the flip side, I miss some aspects of the "talking" part of social media. Like, I could just have a passing comment or share a thought and those who wanted to take time to "Like" it or "retweet" it could, and if they didn't want to, they didn't have to. And vice versa.
So instead of me making those passing comments, I've been texting the comments to my friends in hopes of a reply. Sometimes I get one, sometimes I don't. I hate to say it, but when I don't, I feel kinda bummed out. Like, that comment wasn't important enough in that persons life. Or, I feel like I'm just bugging the crap out of the same five people.
I know a lot of it is just in my head, but isn't that CRAZY how social media is still consuming my life, even after I've deleted it?? I've studied social media, I've been around it for most of my professional life, and I've been using it since high school. So how do we turn this mindset around?
I'm not sure what the correct answer is, but I think I'm going to stay off of the sites until I've figured it out and come to peace with feeling like I can still have friends, even when nobody knows what I'm thinking at that exact moment.

Second, I've really been thinking that I need nutritional support. Not like a personal trainer, but more of an accountability partner. Someone who's goals are the same as mine. But. One catch. They need to have a litttttttle more willpower than I do. Because, quite frankly, I have none.
I do so well with KNOWING what I should do and PLANNING how to do it, but when it comes to the execution, I can make up 1000 excuses as to why I don't need to go workout or why it's ok to have two cupcakes instead of one.
I always start Monday morning with a solid mind and a great plan, but by dinner time, I'm so full-minded that I don't continue thinking healthy. And then by Thursday, I feel so exhausted from the week that I just give up in general.
So my goal this week is to not give up. To ask some trusted friends, if I need help. I know I can do it. I can reach my January goal. I bought a notebook and will be filling it with my mental and physical states throughout the day. In hopes of being in tune with my body and figuring out what makes me feel better and worse.


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