Friday, January 3, 2014


It's really hard to decompress what just happened in the last two weeks.
I visited all my family, my best friends and drove through six midwest states in 10 days.

Taking a vacation like that is a catch twenty-two: You're so busy that you don't have time for everyone, but you've talked so much and thought so much that you are exhausted.

I think I did a great job. Here are 5 reasons:

1. I started by driving 10 hours right into a house full of family. I went from perfect piece and independence to chaos and zero privacy.
2. I drove over 2000 miles to visit family and friends. And whole-heartedly believe every mile was worth it. (For those of you who don't know me, even 2 years ago I wouldn't have said or done that).
3. I ate the shit out of this trip. I had Mexican food, Japanese food, home made pizza, hour d'oeuvres and cocktails, McDonalds, and Panera and everything in between. And I didn't explode.
4. I have never been a gifter, but I feel like this year I was able to give love and joy (as well as a few gifts) to those I love.
5. I gathered ideas and plans to make 2014 a kick ass year.

I don't know where all this is going to lead me. And a year from now, where I'll be or who I'll be. But, I know that going back to my roots and reminding myself that I am a strong, independent, driven woman was really what made this transition to the new year that much better.

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