Tuesday, February 24, 2015

My Food List

So because I've been a million different directions these last few weeks, I can't think of anything direct to say. Which causes problems when you're trying to write a blog.

But, throughout the weeks, I've been privileged to cook for many people.
Again, it's too scattered to make a direct post.
But awesome and tasty, nonetheless.
And each time I made something I thought - I should blog about that - and then never did.
So here I am.

And like any stereotypical blogger, I'm going to make a list.
A list of all my yummy food.
And maybe some pictures.

1. Veggie Chili - PALEO
- I LOVED this, friends loved this, man friend loved this
- I used my own Penzeys Spices instead of the ones on this recipe

2. Coconut Lemon Bars - GLUTEN FREE/DAIRY FREE
- I don't normally love lemon, but I liked these
- I used coconut sugar instead of white, so it made them darker, but still worked
- Unless you really have these allergies, I wouldn't recommend these
- I used too much baking soda AND baking powder, but they were still really crumbly and dry

4. Chicken Kale Veggie Soup - PALEO
- I don't like kale, but I ate this
- I don't like kale, but I ate this again
5. Chocolate Chip Cookies - GLUTEN FREE
- I LOVED these
- I used dairy free butter and it worked just as well
6. Pistachio Pesto Chicken Spaghetti Squash Pasta (out of my OMG that's Paleo cookbook)
- Kinda love forever
- First time using spaghetti squash

7.  Carrot and Coconut Soup (out of my Trader Joe's cookbook)
- Yummm 
- First time using yellow curry

8. Chickpea chicken and potato soup (out of my Trader Joe's cookbook)
- LOVED it
- simple and easy

Follow some of these links and check out these other blogs.
Most of these are paleo and gluten-free and totally healthy.
Most of them take no time to make.

Share food with the world, I promise this will make you happy.

Monday, February 9, 2015

I Am Not A Tree.

I wear heels and lipstick most days.
My favorite activities are yoga and cooking.
I eat spinach and quinoa.
I cuss and drink wine.

I'm doing a job I love.
I'm volunteering with my church.
I'm in two, well one and a half, leadership roles.
I put in 12 hour days, most days.
I've got a great group of friends.

If anyone would've told me five years ago that all this would be true. I would have laughed in their face. Five years ago, I wanted nothing but to move to New York to be the next Diane Sawyer. I wanted to be a new anchor for a morning show and live in a big city and get out of small town Indiana. I never wanted kids, pets, marriage, or anything that could slow me down.

My perspective has really changed over the last couple years. Well, mostly the last two. I have done a 360 on how I view the world, my life, and the people around me. It's taken some time and a lot of soul searching - I still regularly have break downs and epiphanies - but I'm working on opening my mind, body, soul…and heart…to whatever life will throw my way.

I wanted to share with you the Top Five things I've come to realize over the last few years.
In no particular order.

1. On living in the moment: It's always a journey. Nothing is now, because as soon as it happens, it's gone. And then we start looking to the past. It's more of a balance that I'm striving for.

2. On food: Food is poison or it is fuel. You have to choose how you're going to let it affect your body - for good or harm.

3. On growth: Never be afraid to ask why. People know far more than me in some areas, but I know far more than them in others. It's not a bad thing to want to learn.

4. On family: Near or far, doing anything for them is how you should live. Even if they don't do anything for you.

5. About relationships: People are going to test your patience. They will fail you. They will send your mind in a fit. People are human — and they're going to act like it.

Now obviously that's a very all-inclusive, vague list. But it's things that I've battled with for years, and even recently. It's a constant desire to better myself and others around me. I am constantly changing. Life is constantly changing. And I want to enjoy the ride.

But please don't tell my mom I like spinach.


Monday, February 2, 2015

Work Out(Fit)

Recently, I started working for the man.
Just kidding. Kinda. I got into the corporate world.
Which is a little strange because I still work in production.

But it was, like, the most perfect position for me.
I could be in my free-spirited industry, but have all the rules and regs that come with a business.
It was a dream come true.

Then someone asked me, "What are you going to wear on your first day?"
Gasp!! I didn't know.
I had never had a professional job like this before.
I was privileged to have worked in casual environments post-college. I never had to think about what I was wearing.
But now I was going to have to look the part of a professional.
Every. Single. Day.

So, I started Pinning. What else is a girl to do?
I wanted to find a style that was uniquely my own (sweats and a t-shirt??) but mix it with the professional suit and tie.
So I started experimenting.

Felicity Smoak has become my spirit animal.
She's basically everyone's dream crime-fighting secretary.
I love it.

Just take a gander HERE to see what I mean.

So anyway, my style has become quite the fun little game to play.
I find a picture on Pinterest that I like, then I try to recreate it, only putting my spin and style on it.
It helps me stay in the professional mindset, while also being myself.

Here's one of my favorite dresses to wear.
It's got a cool story that goes along with it, but ask me later cause it's really not that important.

Please ignore the smudges and messy room. 

Working in a huge office building(s) gives me lots of ideas, because I see so many people every day that have such good style.
I'm excited to see what other outfits I can come up with. If you have any ideas, send them my way!!