Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I Matter

So there's this thing. It's called "FOMO" - the Fear Of Missing Out. It's a new thing that's arose since Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest and advertisements. Basically, it's what it says, you feel like someone else is doing something that you want to be doing and you feel left out.

Recently I look at Facebook or Pinterest or Twitter and feel that way. That I should be going to more movies on the lawn, or concerts, or baseball games or festivals. It makes me feel like I'm not doing enough. It's a sour feeling to have. Especially because my bucket lists keep growing.

But, I've decided to stand up for myself. I matter and I'm not missing out on anything! I may not be doing everything others are and I'm definitely not doing everything I want to do. But I'm making memories. I'm meeting people and going places and loving life.

I'm checking things off my list one by one and I'm having fun. I AM doing things. I matter and somewhere out there, there's someone looking at my Facebook wishing they were doing what I was doing.

There's no point in feeling bad about what I'm doing or NOT doing!. I must step back and remember I'm only 23 (and a half) and have lots of years to keep going. So day by day, event by event, person by person.

I must focus on the here and the now and start enjoying the moments in my life that are making me happy.
I must focus on becoming a better ME and not someone else.

I matter. I'm not missing out on anything.


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